Data CRM Solutions

Our Why is Your Why

Dreaming About a Great Database?

Frustrated waking to a nightmare? Tired of excuses?

Databases Need Data

Most people hate data entry & loose leads get lost!

Let Us Do It For You?

Send us your stuff, and we'll send you a spreadsheet


 Your What ... By When?

Physical Sources

Business Cards

Printed Directories

Handwritten Entries


Electronic Sources

Phone, Email & Social Contacts

Email, Mail & CRM Exports

Spreadsheets, DOC & PDFs


Less Obvious Sources

Online Directory Data Scrapes

Excel Invoices & Inventory Logs

Survey Forms & Plenty More

Proven Process

 Stage 1 - Organize & Analyze

We have a FREE Quick Start Guide to help you determine how much of what you actually have.


Stage 2 - Align & Combine

Different exports have different column names and orders.  All columns must line up to work.


Stage 3 - Clean & Consolidate

Contacts from multiple sources need to be merged to get to one best record per lead.


We Make It Easy


1) Send Us Your Stuff

Physical sources are mailed, and electronic sources are emailed or uploaded.  


2) We Make Your List

We will convert and clean up all the contact info onto one true consolidated spreadsheet


3) Use Lists As Planned

Implement all the marketing plans you and your team intended per the audience list created


 Best Next Steps

A) Start Sending

We make it easy to get going and will help you along our simple process.

B) Call to Discuss

We can help you assess your situation and develop a plan to help you move forward.

C) Learn More / D-I-Y

We hope you will do something now and encourage you to determine what's next.



One True List – Step 1: Determining What Do You Have & Need?

Collecting & Assessing All Physical & Electronic Lead Sources $299 *

Begin with the end in mind … Collect, Combine & Clean All Your Contacts

 You Send Us Your Stuff - Any Mix of Physical & Electronic Sources

 Up to 10 Electronic Source Files Received in Excel Format OR

 Up to 500 Business Cards or Similarly Typed Physical Sources

 Additional Sources Quoted as Received

 Includes a 30-Minute Getting Started & Export Support Session

 We will then Consolidate All Sources into One Mombo List .XLSX

 Standardize All Data Headers & Formats

 Ensure Sources Get Merged Properly

 Identify Any Duplication & Data Issues

 Generate a “List Fixing” Summary

 You Receive One Mombo List & an Estimate for Cleaning into One True List *

 Includes a 30 Minute Data Review & Best Next Steps Call

 Additional Work Quoted as Data is Received

 Note – this work creates the foundational structure for progress

 As such, the value of this package applies to your project

One True List – Step 2: Doing Whatever Work You Actually Need?

Cleaning One Mombo List into One True List $100 *

 Estimates Provided So You Only Pay for What You Need.

 These are Incremental Investments Based on your project

 Includes a 30 Minute Data Review & Priority Focus Call

 We can also allocate efforts based on your budgets

When contacting the vendor make sure you let them know you are with Agora Advantage

Daniel Rubenstein

Phone: (314) 550-0950


Shopping Cart Total $2,167.00

  • Market Elevator - 1 Year Qty 1$2,167.00